The virus Stuxnet was the first Cyber warfare malware that proved that a piece of code could escape the digital realm and wreak actual physical destruction - in this case, on a nuclear facility.

In this course, we’ll learn how to create a Cyber Weapon like Stuxnet using Python, Go programming language, ARM assembly language, C, and C++.

Diabolical Code

Cyber Warfare

Dive deep into the concepts of Cyber Security and Cyber Warfare by learning to design, build, deploy, and operate Cyber Weapons for National Security.

Crafting a Cyber Weapon

Components of a Cyber Weapon and how to put it all together.


Learn to build multiple payloads for your Cyber Weapon. Your main payload would attack the PLCs to disrupt it's default operation, while another payload performs a Man-in-the-Middle attack to fake the inputs coming from the PLC's I/O modules and tell it's output to do what it wants, not what the stock hard-coded logic says.

At the same time, program the payload to replay previously recorded input data to make the PLC logic and the operator think that all is well.

Delivery System
Delivery System

Stealth: Learn to build a worm that executes all routines related to the main payload of the attack; a process that automatically executes the propagated copies of the worm; and a rootkit component that hides all malicious files and processes, to prevent detection of your Cyber Weapon.

Precision: Learn to write code that enables your worm to stay dormant while it is staking out the target, reactivating itself & attacking systems when the right conditions are met.

Command and Control
Command and Control

Program your Cyber Weapon to phone home when needed.

Your weapon would be designed to operate autonomously, but you will also learn how to code Command and Control capabilities (Fly-by-Wire) to flip the kill switch if and when required, to track the health of the worm itself, to monitor it’s operations, to collect telemetry, and to perform version control - update the worm on-the-fly as you learn from it's behaviour while it navigates hostile territory.

Become a Cyber Warrior

Earn your Badge with a specialization in Cyber Weapons Design.

Diabolical Code - Level 1 Cyber Warrior


Duration: 4 weeks


Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri

(5 days/week)

How many hours per day

10:00 AM - 7:00 PM
India Time

(9 hrs per day)

Total hours of training and engagement

≈ 220 hours
of training & engagement

Online Classes + Online Classes

Hybrid Classes


See Syllabus


Fee (in INR)

₹ 60,480
+ GST: ₹ 10,886
Convert to USD

Applications are open

Next batch begins from:

June 27, 2024

Applications are open

Seat Availability

(Classroom full)


Diabolical Code - Level 2 Cyber Warrior


Duration: 8 weeks


Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri

(5 days/week)

How many hours per day

10:00 AM - 7:00 PM
India Time

(9 hrs per day)

Total hours of training and engagement

≈ 440 hours
of training & engagement

Online Classes + Online Classes

Hybrid Classes


See Syllabus


Fee (in INR)

₹ 1,20,960
+ GST: ₹ 21,773
Convert to USD

Applications are open

Next batch begins from:

June 27, 2024

Applications are open

Seat Availability

(Classroom full)


Diabolical Code - Level 3 Cyber Warrior


Duration: 12 weeks


Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri

(5 days/week)

How many hours per day

10:00 AM - 7:00 PM
India Time

(9 hrs per day)

Total hours of training and engagement

≈ 660 hours
of training & engagement

Online Classes + Online Classes

Hybrid Classes


See Syllabus


Fee (in INR)

₹ 1,81,440
+ GST: ₹ 32,659
Convert to USD

Applications are open

Next batch begins from:

June 27, 2024

Applications are open

Seat Availability

(Classroom full)


Diabolical Code - Level 4 Cyber Warrior


Duration: 16 weeks


Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri

(5 days/week)

How many hours per day

10:00 AM - 7:00 PM
India Time

(9 hrs per day)

Total hours of training and engagement

≈ 880 hours
of training & engagement

Online Classes + Online Classes

Hybrid Classes


See Syllabus


Fee (in INR)

₹ 2,41,920
+ GST: ₹ 43,546
Convert to USD

Applications are open

Next batch begins from:

June 27, 2024

Applications are open

Seat Availability

(Classroom full)


Download syllabus.

Data Structures and Algorithms

A good understanding of algorithms and the knowledge of when to apply them is crucial to producing software that not only works correctly, but also performs efficiently. The following topics on Data Structures & Algorithms (DSA) are covered in Level 1 of this course.

  • Introduction to Data Structures & Algorithms
  • Iteration and Recursion
  • Lists
  • Queues
  • Stacks
  • Basic Sorting
  • Advanced Sorting
  • Priority Queues
  • Binary Searching and Insertion
  • Binary Search Trees
  • Hashing
  • Sets
  • Maps
  • Ternary Search Trees
  • B-Trees
  • String Searching
  • String Matching
  • Computational Geometry
  • Pragmatic Optimization

Talk to the Machine

Dive into machine organization without the extra overload of learning assembly language programming. Examples in C/C++, Python, Go lang, Java, and JavaScript, the topics below fills in the low-level details of machine organization that are often left out of computer science and engineering courses.

  • Numeric Representation
  • Binary Arithmetic and Bit Operations
  • Floating-Point Representation
  • Character Representation
  • Memory Organization and Access
  • Composite Data Types and Memory Objects
  • Boolean Logic and Digital Design
  • CPU Architecture
  • Instruction Set Architecture
  • Memory Architecture and Organization
  • Input and Output (I/O)

Secure Network Programming

Learn to think like a Cracker so that you can develop effective, defensive code. In this module, you’ll learn hacking techniques and get insights into understanding how to prevent hacking issues in your code. You will also learn to write and use scanners, sniffers, exploits, and how to write network security test harness for application and infrastructure.

  • On Networking
  • Building Network Tools
  • Encryption & Password Cracking
  • Hacking the Web
  • Cracks, Hacks, and Counterattacks
  • Security Architecture
  • Firewalls
  • Passive Defence
  • Wireless Networking

Think Low-Level, Write High-Level

Learn to write portable and efficient programs by analyzing the output of compiler and interpreters. Learn the types of machine code statements that compilers and interpreters generate for common control structures and explore how to choose the best statements when writing High-Level Language code. Design & write shorter and faster programs that translate into efficient machine code.

  • Introduction to Assembly Language
  • 80x86 Assembly for the HLL Programmer
  • Compiler Operation and Code Generation
  • Tools for Analyzing Compiler Output
  • Constants and High-Level Languages
  • Variables in a High-Level Language
  • Array Data Types
  • Pointer Data Types
  • String Data Types
  • Record, Union, and Class Data Types
  • Arithmetic and Logical Expressions
  • Control Structures and Programmatic Decisions
  • Iterative Control Structures
  • Functions and Procedures

Hack with Python

Learn to program in Python while making and breaking ciphers—algorithms used to create and send secret messages. Make, test, and hack Python programs that encrypt text with ciphers like the Transposition cipher and Vigenère cipher. Learn to write Python code for the Reverse and Caesar ciphers, and then work your way up to public key cryptography - the type of encryption used to secure today’s online transactions, including digital signatures, email, and Crypto currency like Bitcoin.

  • Programming in Python
  • The Reverse Cipher
  • The Caesar Cipher
  • Hacking the Caesar Cipher with Brute Force
  • Encrypting with the Transposition Cipher
  • Decrypting with the Transposition Cipher
  • Programming a program to test your program
  • Encrypting and decrypting files
  • Detecting Natural Languages programmatically
  • Hacking the Transposition Cipher
  • An arithmetic module for the Affine Cipher
  • Programming the Affine Cipher
  • Hacking the Affine Cipher
  • Programming the Simple Substitution Cipher
  • Hacking the Simple Substitution Cipher
  • Programming the Vigenère Cipher
  • Frequency Analysis
  • Hacking the Vigenère Cipher
  • The one-time Pad Cipher
  • Finding and generating Prime Numbers
  • Generating keys for the RSA Cipher
  • Programming the RSA Cipher

On Cybersecurity

Beginning with the use of antipatterns and moving through improvements in security architecture, customizing tools, effective pen testing, and network monitoring, learn how to build security into an organization’s systems. The following topics are covered in this module:

  • Cyber Network Security Concepts
  • Cyber Antipatterns
  • Enterprise Security using the Zachman Framework
  • Cyber Network Security Hands-on
  • Network Administration
  • Customizing BackTrack and Security Tools
  • Protocol Analysis and Network Programming
  • Reconnaissance, Vulnerability Assessment
  • Cyber Testing
  • Penetration Testing
  • Cyber Network Defence using Advanced Log Analysis
  • Cyber Network Application Domains
  • Cybersecurity for end users, social media, and virtual worlds
  • Cybersecurity Essentials for Small Business
  • Large Enterprise Cybersecurity: Data Centres and Cloud Infrastructure
  • Cyber Warfare Architecture for Deterrence

Crack the Cybersecurity Interview

Hone your skills with:

  • Sprint Coding/Programming Competitions
  • Marathon Hackathons
  • Cyber War Games
  • Catch-The-Flag (CTF) competitions
  • Crack-Me competitions
  • Cyberware Drills
  • Cybersecurity Incident simulation exercises
  • Puzzle solving through Code for sharpening logical aptitude
  • Mock Interviews

Version Control using Git & GitHub

Version control is a system that records changes to a file or set of files over time so that you can recall specific versions later. Using a VCS also generally means that if you screw things up or lose files, you can easily recover. In this module, you’ll learn to use version control using Git & Github.

  • Git Basics
  • Git Branching
  • Git on the Server
  • Distributed Git
  • Github
  • Git Tools
  • Customizing Git
  • Git and Other Systems
  • Git Internals
  • Git in Other Environments
  • Embed Git in your applications

Everything in Level 1 plus additional subjects as highlighted below. Download syllabus.
Everything in all previous levels plus additional subjects as highlighted below.

Forge your Weapons, Part I

In this module, you’ll learn how to move from a theoretical understanding of offensive computing concepts to a practical implementation. Instead of relying on another attacker’s tools, you’ll learn to forge your own weapons using Python.

  • Write a Zip-File Password Cracker
  • Write your own Penetration Testing Tools
  • Build a Port Scanner
  • Build a SSH BotNet
  • Build an Anonymous FTP Scanner
  • Build your own Conficker Worm
  • Write your own Zero-Day Proof of Concept Code
  • Write your own tools for Forensic Investigations
  • Build your own tools for doing Web Reconnaissance
  • BlueBugging Phones with Python

Forge your Weapons, Part II

  • Build your own tools for Network Traffic Analysis
  • Build your own tools to passively sniff Wireless Traffic
  • Build your own tools for listening to Probe Requests
  • Build your own tools to locate Hidden Network Beacons
  • Build your own tools to de-cloak Hidden Networks
  • Build your own tools to analyze Metadata
  • Build your own tools to investigate application artifacts
  • Build your own tools to analyze Mobile Backups
  • Write your own tools to analyze Wireless Access Points
  • Build your own tools to recover deleted items in the Recycle Bin
  • Detecting FireSheep
  • Stalking with Bluetooth and Python
  • Taking over Printers with Python

Mobile Forensic Investigations

Learn to conduct mobile device, cloud, IoT, and UAS forensic investigations. Find out how to collect prosecutable evidence, uncover hidden files, and lock down the chain of custody.

  • Introduction to Mobile Device Forensics
  • Forensics Toolbox
  • Preparing the Digital Forensics Environment
  • Conducting a Collection of a Mobile Device
  • Analyzing SIM Cards
  • Analyzing Phone Data
  • Advanced iOS Analysis
  • Querying SQLite
  • Advanced Android Analysis
  • Advanced Device Analysis: IoT, Wearables, Drones

Evade Antivirus programs

  • Introduction: How Flame evaded Antivirus programs
  • Build your own scripts to evade Antivirus programs
  • Learn how to verify the Evasion

Go Programming Language

The Go Programming Language was conceived at Google. Go is especially well suited for building infrastructure like networked servers, and tools and systems for programmers, but it is truly a general-purpose language and finds use in domains as diverse as graphics, mobile applications, and machine learning.

  • Introduction to Go
  • Program Structure
  • Basic Data Type
  • Composite Types
  • Functions
  • Methods
  • Interfaces
  • Goroutines and Channels
  • Concurrency with Shared Variables
  • Packages and the Go Tool
  • Testing
  • Reflection
  • Low-Level Programming

Everything in Level 1 and Level 2 plus additional subjects as highlighted below. Download syllabus.
Everything in all previous levels plus additional subjects as highlighted below.

Writing Rootkits & Bootkits

In this module, you’ll learn how to create sophisticated, advanced attacks that bury deep in a machine’s boot process or UEFI firmware. You’ll understand in detail the delivery stage of threats against BIOS and UEFI firmware in order to create worms that can evade detection.

  • Understanding Rootkits
  • Understanding Bootkits
  • Festi Rootkit: The most advanced Spam and DDOS Bot
  • Rootkit Infections
  • Operating System Boot Process Essentials
  • Boot Process Security
  • Bootkit Infection Techniques
  • Static Analysis of a Bootkit Using IDA Pro
  • Bootkit Dynamic Analysis: Emulation and Virtualization
  • MBR and VBR Infection Techniques
  • IPL Bootkits
  • Advanced VBR Infections
  • MBR Ransomware
  • UEFI Boot vs. MBR/VBR Boot Process
  • Contemporary UEFI Bootkits
  • UEFI Firmware Vulnerabilities
  • How UEFI Secure Boot works
  • Approaches to analyzing hidden Filesystems
  • BIOS/UEFI Forensics: Firmware Acquisition and Analysis Approaches

Malware Analysis

Learn to analyze, debug, and disassemble malware. Malware Analysis is a cat-and-mouse game with rules that are constantly changing. Through this module, we ensure that your fundamentals are strong enough to handle any situation that is thrown at you.

  • Basic Static Techniques
  • Malware Analysis in Virtual Machines
  • Basic Dynamic Analysis
  • A crash course in x86 Disassembly
  • IDA Pro
  • Recognizing C Code Constructs in Assembly
  • Analysis Malicious Windows Programs
  • Debugging
  • OllyDbg
  • Kernel Debugging with WinDbg
  • Malware Behaviour
  • Covert Malware Launching
  • Data Encoding
  • Malware-Focused Network Signatures
  • Anti-Disassembly
  • Anti-Debugging
  • Anti-Virtual Machine Techniques
  • Packers and Unpacking
  • Shellcode Analysis
  • C++ Analysis
  • 64-Bit Malware

Programming in C

  • Basics of C Programming
  • Expressions
  • Statements
  • Array and Strings
  • Pointers
  • Functions
  • Structures, Unions, Enumerations, and typedef
  • Console I/O
  • File I/O
  • The Preprocessor
  • C99
  • Linking, Libraries, and Headers
  • I/O Functions
  • String and Character Functions
  • Mathematical Functions
  • Time, Date, and Localization Functions
  • Dynamic Allocation Functions
  • Utility Functions
  • Wide-Character Functions
  • Library Features added by C99
  • Sorting and Searching
  • Queues, Stacks, Linked Lists, and Trees
  • Sparse Arrays
  • Expression Parsing and Evaluation
  • AI-based Problem Solving
  • Building a Windows OS Skeleton
  • Efficiency, Porting, and Debugging
  • Writing a C Interpreter

Programming in C++

  • Foundation of C++ Programming
  • Expressions
  • Statements
  • Arrays and Null-Terminated Strings
  • Pointers
  • Functions
  • Structures, Unions, Enumerations, and User-Defined Types
  • C-Style Console I/O
  • The Preprocessor
  • Classes and Objects
  • Array, Pointers, References, and the Dynamic Allocation Operators
  • Function Overloading, Copy Contructors, and Default Arguments
  • Operator Overloading
  • Inheritance
  • Virtual Functions and Polymorphism
  • Templates
  • Exception Handling
  • The C++ I/O System
  • C++ File I/O
  • Run-Time Type ID and the Casting Operators
  • Namespaces, and Conversion Functions
  • The Standard C++ I/O Classes
  • The STL Container Classes
  • The STL Algorithms
  • STL Iterators, Allocators, and Function Objects
  • The String Class
  • The Numeric Classes
  • Exception Handling and Miscellaneous Classes

Everything in Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3 plus additional subjects as highlighted below. Download syllabus.
Everything in all previous levels plus additional subjects as highlighted below.

Assembly Language Programming

Learning Assembly Language is a great way to learn about system architecture. In this module, we’ll learn how to program the Raspberry Pi at the lowest level with Assembly Language Programming for the ARM processor. Even though the Raspberry Pi is credit card sized, it is still a sophisticated computer with a quad-core processor, a floating-point co-processor, and a NEON parallel processing unit. What you learn about the Raspberry Pi is directly relevant to any device with an ARM processor, which includes nearly every cell phone and tablet.

  • Getting started with Assembly Language Programming
  • Loading and Adding
  • Tooling Up
  • Controlling Program Flow
  • Programming the Memory
  • Functions and Stack
  • Linux Operating System Services
  • Programming GPIO Pins
  • Interacting with C and Python
  • Multiply, Divide, and Accumulate
  • Floating-Point Operations
  • NEON Co-processor
  • Conditional Instructions and Optimizing Code
  • Reading and Understanding Code
  • Thumb Code
  • 64 Bits
  • The ARM Instruction Set
  • Linux System Calls
  • Assembler Directives

Hacking Cars

Get an understanding of a vehicle’s communication network and learn how to intercept data and perform specific hacks to track vehicles, unlock doors, glitch engines, flood communication, and more.

  • Understanding Threat Models
  • Bus Protocols
  • Vehicle Communication with SocketCAN
  • Diagnostics and Logging
  • Reverse Engineering the CAN Bus
  • ECU Hacking
  • Building and using ECU Test Benches
  • Attacking ECUs and Other Embedded Systems
  • In-Vehicle Infotainment Systems
  • Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communication
  • Weaponizing CAN Findings
  • Attacking Wireless Systems with SDR
  • Performance Tuning

Hacking UAVs

Learn how to Intercept and Spy on UAVs.

  • Intercept the signal Traffic
  • Dissect the Protocol
  • Learn how to craft 802.11 Frames with Scapy
  • Finalizing the Attack
  • Emergency Landing the UAV

War Games

You will participate in simulated environments and scenarios that would imitate real-world cyber attacks, defenses, and strategies. These games are used to enhance your skills, knowledge, and preparedness in dealing with cyber threats and attacks.

Red Team versus Blue Team
Red Team vs. Blue Team

These simulations involve two teams—the Red Team (attackers) and the Blue Team (defenders). The Red Team’s goal is to breach the security of a network or system while the Blue Team works to defend it.

These simulations will help you understand attack techniques, defensive strategies, and the importance of proactive security measures.

Capture The Flag (CTF)
Capture The Flag (CTF)

CTF competitions involve various challenges where you’ll have to find and exploit vulnerabilities in different systems or applications to capture digital flags. Challenges will include cryptography, reverse engineering, web exploitation, binary exploitation, and more.

CTF challenges will enhance your skills in penetration testing, forensics, and exploit development.

Fire Sale
Fire Sale

You will participate in simulations of a coordinated cyber attack that are directed towards a country’s critical infrastructure and financial systems and aims to cripple various essential services and systems causing widespread chaos and disruption.

Learn to develop strategies on how to prevent, counter & launch Fire Sale category attacks.

Bug Bounty
Bug Bounty

While not direct competitions, bug bounty programs offer a platform for ethical hackers to find vulnerabilities in software or systems. This practice encourages responsible disclosure and rewards for discovering and reporting vulnerabilities, contributing to improving overall cybersecurity.

Learn how to set-up & operate Bug Bounty programs for your organization.

Certificate in Cybersecurity

Based on your performance you either get a Certificate of Excellence or Certificate of Completion after successful completion of the course. Book your Seat.

Certificate of Excellence in Cybersecurity

Certificate of Excellence in Cybersecurity

Certificate of Completion in Cybersecurity

Certificate of Completion in Cybersecurity

Sharpen your Axe

Use Lab Exercises, Projects, Coding Competitions, and Hackathons as opportunities to practice and apply your programming skills in real-world scenarios.

Exercises in Cybersecurity

To augment your proficiency in Cybersecurity, you will be regularly challenged with various assignments like coding challenges, algorithmic puzzles, trick logical, analytical, and mathematical problems - designed to enable you to think creatively and outside the box.

Expect 4 levels of difficulty in these assignments:

  • Beginner: Exercises that test your understanding of the subject.
  • Intermediate: Exercises that add new and thought-provoking information to the subject.
  • Advanced: Exercises that are intended to challenge you.
  • Expert: Exercises that are extremely difficult by comparison with most others.

Projects in Cybersecurity

The projects are designed to ensure that you not only understand the theoretical concepts of Cybersecurity & Cyber Warfare also gain hands-on experience in applying those concepts to real-world scenarios. You’ll be required to collaborate as a team to attempt some projects while working as a Lone Wolf / individual contributor on others.

  • Four Cornerstone projects that will reinforce in you the strong foundational knowledge of Cybersecurity & Cyber Warfare.
  • Two Keystone projects will be more challenging, building on the knowledge you have gained through the Cornerstone projects.
  • One Capstone project, which will be the culmination of your learning experience in this course.

Competitions in Cybersecurity

Competitions and Hackathons are a great way to reinforce your learning and to challenge you to apply your skills to real-world scenarios. By participating in these events, you will gain practical experience and develop your problem-solving skills. You will be participating in a variety of events, including but not limited to:

  • Sprint Coding Competitions
  • Marathon Hackathons
  • Catch-the-Flag (CTF) challenges
  • War Games

In some competitions, you will collaborate as a team, which will aid you in developing your teamwork skills. In other competitions, you will participate as a Lone Wolf, which will challenge you to think independently and to rely on your own skills and knowledge.

Ace that Cybersecurity Interview

Cracking the Coding Interview

As a part of this course, you’ll learn to crack Cybersecurity interviews. You’ll be thoroughly trained using:

  • Mock Interviews: We’ll simulate the pressure and format of a real coding interview, allowing you to practice and improve you technical, communication, and presentation skills under similar conditions.

  • Through Whiteboarding, you’ll learn to visually represent your thought process on a physical or a digital whiteboard.

  • You’ll learn how to handle Impossible Questions & Kobayashi Maru situations which are essential in a coding interview to show adaptability, creativity, and resilience under pressure.

  • Learn to solve Algorithmic, and Mathematical and Puzzles using Python, C, C++, Go, ARM and develop a creative & analytical mindset, logical reasoning, and problem-solving skills that are crucial in cracking a Cybersecurity interview.

Who can apply?

Eligibility Criteria.

Age Group

Age Group

For people between the age group 18 - 108 years! Although there is no right age to start learning, the batches may be segregated based on age range or number of years of work experience, if required.

Edu. Qualification

Educational Qualification

The course requires no prior programming experience or academic qualification. Starting from basics, this course provides a strong foundation in programming along with advanced topics in Cybersecurity & Cyber Warfare.



Ace Hacker is a gender-neutral learning (and working) environment. Participants may choose any gender they identify with (male/female/non-binary) or choose not to disclose their gender at the time of registration.



Join from anywhere across the globe. Ace Hacker is a Hybrid / Hyflex Classroom learning environment. The classroom includes a mix of students who are present onsite and those who wish to join the class virtually.

Ace Hacker Classroom

What to expect.

Looking for us?

Searching for Ace Hacker?

Ace Hacker,
3rd Floor, No. 670,
RBI Layout Main Road,
J.P. Nagar 7th Phase,
Bengaluru - 560 078
Karnataka, India

Google Maps


(+91) 988.011.2117


Bring Your Own Device

Bring your own device. Engage hands-on, code alongside the instructor, and conveniently take your work with you after the class for revision. You will have access to a fast internet connection, an amazing teacher, and yummy snacks with chai & coffee in the class.

Your Teacher

Amazing Teachers for Cybersecurity

Your teachers enthusiasm is infectious, and you can’t help but feel the same passion for Cybersecurity as they do. Under their guidance, you will not only learn the technical skills you need to succeed, but you will also develop a love for the subject that will stay with you for years to come.

Be punctual

Be punctual

Be on time or before time if you’d like to start your class with some light snacks and beverages (in case you are attending an onsite session). The door closes sharp on time and entry into the class after the class commences may not be allowed.

Applications closed.


Next cohort begins on June 27, 2024. Applications are open.

Level Duration Timing (IST) Starts on Seat Availability Course Fee + GST (INR)
L1 4 Weeks 10:00 - 19:00 June 27, 2024

 (Classroom full)
₹ 71,366 NOTIFY ME
L2 8 Weeks 10:00 - 19:00 June 27, 2024

 (Classroom full)
₹ 1,42,733 NOTIFY ME
L3 12 Weeks 10:00 - 19:00 June 27, 2024

 (Classroom full)
₹ 2,14,099 NOTIFY ME
L4 16 Weeks 10:00 - 19:00 June 27, 2024

 (Classroom full)
₹ 2,85,466 NOTIFY ME
Hire Cybersecurity Experts

Hire Cybersecurity Experts

A Cybersecurity Expert is a professional who specializes in safeguarding digital systems, networks, data, and information from unauthorized access, cyber attacks, theft, damage, or any form of exploitation. Experts trained at Ace Hacker possess a comprehensive understanding of the technologies, tools, methodologies, and best practices required to protect and secure digital assets against a wide range of cyber threats.

Need Cybersecurity Experts for your team?

Email Us   or call   (+91) 988.011.2117


We offer placement assistance through four channels:

Challenge Ready: A thorough interview preparation module is built into this course. As a part of this course, you’ll learn to crack Cybersecurity interviews. You’ll be thoroughly trained using:

  • Mock Interviews: We’ll simulate the pressure and format of a real Cybersecurity interview, allowing you to practice and improve you technical, communication, and presentation skills under similar conditions.
  • Through Whiteboarding, you’ll learn to visually represent your thought process on a physical or a digital whiteboard.
  • We put a lot of emphasis on you having a strong understanding of Data Structures, Algorithms, and Algorithm Analysis to efficiently solve complex problems and optimize solutions during a Cybersecurity interview. which are key factors that interviewers evaluate to assess a candidate’s technical competence.
  • You’ll learn how to handle Impossible Questions & Kobayashi Maru situations which are essential in a Cybersecurity interview to show adaptability, creativity, and resilience under pressure.
  • Learn to solve Algorithmic, and Mathematical and Puzzles using Python, Go, ARM, C, and C++ and develop a creative & analytical mindset, logical reasoning, and problem-solving skills that are crucial in cracking a Cybersecurity interview.

Demo Weeks: Demo Weeks are exciting tech hiring events organized by Ace Hacker, where tech organizations and startups gather to discover talent. During this event, students have the opportunity to showcase their work and demonstrate their capabilities to the visiting companies. The event creates a platform for students to interact directly with recruitment teams, enabling them to discuss their projects, skills, and aspirations. If a company finds a student particularly intriguing, they may invite them to attend a technical interview. Fortunately, Ace Hacker thoroughly prepares students for Cybersecurity interviews, equipping them with the necessary skills and knowledge to succeed. This event acts as a stepping stone in the recruitment process, leading to potential employment opportunities for the students.

Job Board: Students have access to an Ace Hacker alumni platform on an internal Slack channel and a Discord server. This platform serves as a hub for Ace Hacker students seeking job opportunities in the tech industry. Within these channels, regular job openings from various tech companies and startups are posted, providing students with a range of options to choose from. The platform not only offers job listings but also fosters a supportive community by connecting students with mentors - professionals from the companies posting the job offers, alumni of the institute, and career coaches from Ace Hacker. The mentors provide invaluable guidance to students, offering insights on the application process and addressing any queries they may have.

Partner Connect: This program provides companies with the opportunity to hire students from Ace Hacker. Students are notified when a company expresses interest to recruit from Ace Hacker. We connect the applicants with the Recruitment Team of the prospective employers who would then take the process forward with the applicants.

Wish to hire from Ace Hacker?
Write to us at connect@acehacker.com or call (+91) 988.011.2117

The facility to pay via Equated Monthly Instalments (EMI) is available through these specific Bank Credit Cards:

  • SBI Credit Card
  • Citibank Credit Card
  • ICICI Bank Credit Card
  • Axis Bank Credit Card
  • Standard Chartered Bank Credit Card
  • Kotak Mahindra Bank Credit Card
  • Bank of Baroda Credit Card
  • IndusInd Bank Credit Card
  • Yes Bank Credit Card
  • HSBC Credit Card
  • RBL Bank Credit Card
  • AU Small Finance Bank Credit Card
  • One Card
Please note that this arrangement is strictly between you and the Bank providing the EMI facility, and Ace Hacker as an education institute is not involved in the process.

You will have the flexibility to choose from various EMI payment schedules offered by the Bank, ranging from 3 months to 48 months, depending on the options provided by the Bank you select. The rate of interest applicable may vary accordingly.

We advise you to carefully review the terms and conditions of the EMI facility provided by your chosen Bank.

During the course fee payment process, you will be able to select the EMI payment method. Please ensure that you have the eligible Bank credit card on hand for this transaction.

We continue to evaluate and consider various other payment options, including the possibility of offering Equated Monthly Instalments (EMI) through financial intruments other than Credit Cards. Any updates or changes to our payment methods will be communicated to all prospective and enrolled students.

Yes, you do. Based on your performance, you’ll either receive a Certificate of Completion or a Certificate of Excellence at the end of the course.

The course - Diabolical Code - requires no prior programming experience or academic qualification. Starting from basics, this course provides a strong foundation in fundamentals & advanced topics in Cybersecurity & Cyber Warfare.

You are expected to bring your own device to the classroom - online or onsite. Engage hands-on, code alongside the instructor, and conveniently continue your work at home.

These are live classes that gives you the opportunity for real-time interaction with the instructor and fellow classmates. Here are some highlights of the class:

  • Personalized Interaction: This course offers a dynamic learning environment where questions are asked, discussions takes place, and personalized feedback is provided.
  • Synchronous Learning Experience: All students attend the sessions simultaneously. We create a sense of community to foster collaborative learning. We believe that being in-sync with fellow classmates will enhance your learning experience and also allow for active participation.
  • Quality and Timeliness: Receive up-to-date information, get immediate clarification of doubts in Q&A section of the live class, in AMA (Ask Me Anything) sessions, and during Office Hours. Office hours are times when you can meet with your instructor to discuss the material being presented in class or other related interests you have. Engage in real-time discussions through these live sessions.

Q. Will you share the recording if I miss a class?
No, these are live classes and each session is an interactive learning experience. Recording of the class is not available in case you miss a session.

We understand that circumstances may change, and your educational journey might take unexpected turns. Our goal is to ensure that you have a positive experience with our courses, even if you decide that the course you’ve enrolled in isn’t the right fit for you. With that in mind, we have a No-Questions-Asked refund policy for course withdrawals. Our refund policy is designed to give you the flexibility to explore our courses without worrying about financial obligations in case you choose to withdraw.

Policy Overview
After attending at least two classes (and before attending the third), if you find that the course does not align with your expectations or goals, we’ll refund the full amount of the paid fees, excluding any non-refundable fees or charges (for example, GST, or any other tax component) specified in the fee structure. This allows you to experience the course content and teaching style before making a final decision.

Refund Timeline
  • You are eligible for a refund if you decide to withdraw from the course after completing the second class but before attending the third class.
  • Refunds are processed within 14 working days from the receipt of the refund request.
  • Please note that it may take a few additional days for the refund to appear in your account, depending on your payment method and financial institution.
  • In case you have received any learning materials or resources, please return them in good condition within 5 working days of the refund request. Failure to return the learning materials or resources within the specified time frame may result in a deduction from the refund amount to cover the cost of those materials.
Refund Process
To initiate a refund, please follow these steps:
  • Send an email to connect@acehacker.com from the email address associated with your course enrollment. Include your full name, course name, and date of enrollment in the email.
  • In the email subject, please use the format: “Course Withdrawal Refund Request | [Course Name]”
  • In the email body, please mention your Student ID, Full Name, and Date of commencement of the course.
In case you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us at connect@acehacker.com or call us at (+91)988.011.2117

Yes, scholarships are available for this course under the Ekalavya Scholarship program.

Please send us an email at connect@acehacker.com or call us at (+91).988.011.2117 if you’d like to book a class for 25 or more students.

Vivek Shangari, Anshuman, Swati Garg, Krishna Rao. They are assisted by 6 Teacher’s Assistants (TAs) - Suman, Aarti, Jeremy, Biswa, Raghav, and Ismail.

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(+91) 988.011.2117